People's Center and Diaper Bank of Minnesota Collaboration

In 2022, People’s Center established a new partnership with the Diaper Bank of Minnesota to deliver 12,000 diapers to patients and their families. So far, we have distributed ~ 8,000 diapers to ~ 100 families in 2022. Our distribution efforts would not be possible without full support from Sherry Hurt, a Medical Assistant in our Pediatric Department. Sherry manages the bulk of diaper distribution through patient appointments and ensures patient access to supplemental services offered through the People’s Pantry.  

Sherry has mentioned that patients really appreciate this program because “they can barely afford gas.” Caregivers can expect to spend between $26 and $70 on a pack of diapers, which can last as little as 2 to 3 days for newborn babies. Patients can expect to save around $40 on diapers per appointment by scheduling regular check-ups with our pediatric department, both for themselves and their children. With financial pressure due to inflation, free diapers have become even more important to the community we serve.  

Sherry outlined one experience with a refugee family that came to People’s Center for assistance. The family had not visited the clinic before but heard about our diaper distribution program. The mother explained that her family was staying in a shelter that was unable to provide diapers to families. If People’s Center did not provide free diapers, the mother would have to find another location and transportation while taking care of her children. Sherry’s story illustrates the importance of our diaper distribution program and the incredible impact we have made in Cedar-Riverside.  

In the future, Sherry hopes to expand the program to include other items like baby formula in diaper distribution bags. For now, children’s books are added to diaper packs as a bonus to support literacy efforts in the community.  

To learn more about the People’s Pantry or our diaper distribution program, please reach out to  

Victoria Chu Yang Heu